The following rehabilitation recommendations should be considered under expert surveillance, even in the case of milder moisturizers.
The products most beneficial for a allowable hydration of the skin (particularly of dry skin areas) are lotions, creams, ointments, and emollients. They are included in the class of moisturizers and they are regularly recommended for all eczema conditions. Any kind of moisturizer should be applied as often as needed on the cracked or dry skin areas.
From mineral oil and baby oil to Eucerin, Aquaphor and Mositurel, you can select the one that best suits you. Try to get a expert tip. There are definite moisturizers that can worsen eczema. However, a physician will know what to recommend by finding into your condition background. Also, pay attention to moisturizers that contain alcohol as one of the major ingredients. Avoid such products or at least purchase those with smaller amounts of alcohol. In the cases where burning sensations are manifest, alcohol is extremely likely to worsen them.
Antihistamines are commonly recommended in order to reduce itchy sensations and, as a result, to diminish scratching and/or rubbing (two frequent habits that aggravate any Eczema condition). The series of older antihistamines, such as Benadryl or Atarax, seems to have been more productive than the new ones, such as Allegra or Claritin. Moreover, topical Benadryl use is not commonly advised because it can aggravate the skin condition, despite the fact that reduces itchy sensations. The new antihistamines are preferred due to the fact that they do not originate somnolence as much as the older ones. However, it is recommended that oral antihistamines are taken during nighttime.
Topical Steroids
Moisturizers are oftentimes reinforced by applications of topical steroids, especially in the cases where the skin condition shows no sign of improvement after repeated emollient use. When the damaged skin area turns excessively red and inflamed, you should pay attention to the potency of the topical steroid you apply. Only your physician can decide if you need topical steroids. Also, it is only your physician who will designate just how potent the topical steroid you apply should be.
Topical Immunosuppressants
One type of medication that has a operate over the way in which a patient's immune law responds to definite offending agents (triggers and skin irritants) comes in the form of topical immunosuppressants. Due to the fact that they deal with immunity reactions (which can be greatest sometimes and lead to an aggravation of the patient's skin condition), topical immunosuppressants are fit for removing graphic symptoms from any damaged skin area. Furthermore, they diminish itchy sensations. Elidel and Protopic are the two most common immunosuppressants. However, study in this particular field of medication is not very extended. This is why you should deeply analyze this selection before verily applying it. Of course, a dermatologist is the best ally you can gain in this respect too.