วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Study Finds 4 common Moisturizers May Cause Skin Cancer - Is Your Moisturizer on This List?

Is Your Moisturizer Safe?

Researches discovered that some of the most generally used moisturizers might cause skin cancer. Skin cancer currently affects thousands of people every day.

In fact, it is estimated that 60,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma which is the most serious form of skin cancer. And researchers predict that up to 8,000 people will die from this disease this year alone.

In this study researcher from Rutgers University exposed hairless mice to Uvb to mimic normal sun exposure. After the exposure, the mice were treated with four popular moisturizers.

Results showed that the treated mice industrialized more -- and larger -- skin tumors than the untreated mice. Prompting the lead researcher, Allan Conney, professor of cancer and leukemia, to issue a statement of concern over the safety of tasteless moisturizers on the market today.

Is Your Moisturizer Cream on The List?

The creams used in the study were Dermabase, Dermovan, Eucerin customary Moisturizing Cream, and Vanicream.

Researchers applied 100 mg of the each of the moisturizers listed above -- 5 days a week, for 17 weeks. The results showed the following:

Dermabase caused an increase in tumors by 69%
Eucerin caused an increase in tumors by 24%
Vanicream had an increase in tumors by 58%
Dermavan caused the top increase in tumors by a whopping 95%

Researchers did say that they don't know the follow of these moisturizes on humans, however, they do propose that skin care associates begin taking a closer look at the possible follow their products might have on long term use on human skin -- with and without Uva/Uvb light

So What Should You Do?

Stick with natural moisturizers with microscopic or no chemicals like Emu Oil contains one ingredient - emu oil!

The emu oil contains one straightforward ingredient -- oil. And it's combination is similar to human skin. It's a unique, effective anti-aging skin care moisturizer that also great for acne skin because it's hypoallergenic and non-pore clogging. In addition, when emu oil is great for wrinkle reduction...as it helps to plane and soften fine lines.
