Dry skin on rough feet is a base health in all seasons. In the winter, our skin plainly dries in cold temperatures. Summertime brings sandals, which allows the dirt and dust to make our feet dry. While many habitancy use creams and lotions to moisturize the skin, some only do so when there is hurt and cracking from the dry skin. Others buy what's on sale without concern as to if it is the right solution for them. As a foot doctor, I am exposed to many distinct creams and lotions. The following are my recommendation for over the counter creams and lotions.
A lotion is a good selection for mild dryness on the top of the foot, colse to the ankles and on the legs. It is not approved for the thicker skin on the lowest of the foot and especially the heels. Lotions are a thinner vehicle for moisture and do not perforate the skin as deeply. Using a lotion does de facto have an approved place in foot health. While there are many lotions ready in the grocery shop and drug stores, the only lotion I recommend is Amerigel Care Lotion. It is ready online and in many pharmacies, as well as some doctors' offices, this lotion has properties that no others have. Amerigel contains Oakin, a natural ingredient that exfoliates dry skin, fights bacterial and fungal infection, and reduces skin inflammation. It is one of the few lotions that can eliminate the discoloration that many find on their legs.
Unlike lotions, there are several creams that I recommend. Each serves a particular purpose. For maintenance, when there is not a particular issue with dryness and the skin of the feet is generally healthy, both Eucerin creme and Cetaphil creme can be used with perfect results. Both are widely ready in pharmacies and grocery stores.
There is many times where feet become dry and rough when an ordinary solution doesn't work well enough. The first line of defense is a stronger moisturizing cream. Foot Miracle, by straight Arrow, is a cream that absorbs well into the skin to treat dry and rough areas of the skin. Using it twice a day will treat the skin and keep it from becoming dry and cracked. There are some who still need another level of moisturizing. For those I recommend Gormel Creme, by Gordon Labs. Gormel Creme contains 20% Urea, which adds elasticity to the skin to make it supple by drawing upon the body's own moisture. It also helps to forestall and treat painful cracking and splitting skin.
Most of the time, any old moisturizer won't do. It is important to recognize your skin condition, what you expect from the creme, and which is the best one is for your particular use.