วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Eliminate Winter Dry Skin Patches

Patches of dry, flaky and itchy skin are common during the fall and winter months. While they can appear on almost any part of the body there are typically common on the legs, face, and hands. While there are many skin conditions that cause dry patches such as eczema, psoriasis, and fungal infections, this record will deal with dry skin patches due to environmental factors, such as cold weather and low humidity and the lack of hydration to the skin.

Below are some simple steps to help you treat dry skin patches:

1) Limit the time you spend in the bath or shower. If you like highly hot showers, adjust your water temperature down. Showers and baths strip the body of its natural oils thus causing the skin to come to be overly dry.

2) Apply an emollient rich cream on dry patches while skin is still damp. Continue to apply cream oftentimes throughout the day. I have used Eucerin and I also find that body butters work great too. Other options are Vitamin E and oils such as olive oil, avocado oil, tea tree oil, grape seed oil, etc. Where a microscopic dab will work wonders.

3) value your soap. There are varieties on the store that can supply moisturizing ingredients. If you use a deodorant soap use only in areas that need it, underarms, etc. These types of soap are harsh and very drying. Great yet reconsider manufacture some homemade soap rich in needful oils that offer so many benefits to the skin. They also make great Christmas presents too!

4) Exfoliation is recommended for dry patches if the area is not inflamed or has broken skin. Exfoliates will slough off the dead skin on top thus allowing your moisturizer into the lower layers of the skin.

5) Hydrate from the inside! Drinking water is vital to good condition and good skin. Most habitancy do not perceive the point water plays in their full, health.

6) Diet - unfortunately fresh fruits and vegetables are scarce in the northern climates, any way try to result a diet that is rich in Vitamin E, A, C, needful minerals and omega-3 fatty acids or reconsider vitamins and supplements.

Remedies for dry skin patches:

1 drop tea tree oil
1/2 teaspoon almond oil
Rub into dry patch. Great for those small dry patches!
Another choice is to add tea tree oil right into your moisturizer.

Aloe Vera gel has fantastic properties thus it is widely used in skin care products. Apply directly to the dry patch. Be sure to purchase 100% aloe Vera gel or Great yet grow you own plant.

Soak a washcloth in milk and lay on dry skin patch for five minutes. This is soothing if the dry skin patch is itchy too. The lactic acid in milk is well know for its hydrating properties and a diplomatic alpha hydroxyl acid exfoliate.
